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滋米牌    Evoiki Zimi S.A began in 1984 in Greece, as a family business producing pasta products, following traditional recipes and using the finest ingredients. Our homemade country-style fillo, kataifi and other Greek-style fillo products are the secret of our continuing success. Now Zimi has become one of the most successful companies in Greek market. 
     Evoiki Zimi S.A 是1984年在希腊创立的家族企业,专注于选用上等原料生产各种精致面食制品。其中家庭手工方法制成的叶形酥皮、千丝酥皮等希腊传统酥皮产品是促使我们不断成功的独家秘方。如今,Evoiki Zimi S.A已经发展成为希腊相当成功的企业之一。
滋米牌 滋米牌
规格/Packaging: 20x500g
保质期/Shelf Life: 24 months

滋米牌 滋米牌
规格/Packaging: 15x500g
保质期/Shelf Life: 24 months